Monday, March 11, 2013

A Wish Unrequited
Samurai X 31
This second video shows the saddest part of the story specifically for Kaoru’s side. That day was May 14, the 11th year of Meiji and that was also the day where Lord Okubo will arrive to get the answer of Kenshin about Shishio, his successor as a man slayer. The wish of Lord Okube from his previous visit was Kenshin will go back to Kyoto to face and to kill Shihio. Shishio wants to rule Japan and and he wants to get rid of the Meiji Government officers to fulfill his plan.
But on the way to Akabeko, where everybody decided to treat Kenshin, Kenshin decided to pay the visit to Lord Akubo and talked to him. Unfortunately, Kenshin didn’t have the chance to see Lord Akubo because it was assassinated by one of the Juppongatana, Soujiro.
And then at that moment Kenshin decided to accept the wish of the dead Lord Akubo. He went back to dojo, but at the road where fireflies were dancing in the midst of darkness he met Kauro waiting for him. He said to Kaoru that he will go back to being a wanderer again and it’s time to say goodbye. He hugged Kauro and without any words left Kaoru alone and vanished into the depth of darkness. 

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